Custom Software Development & Consulting

Offices in Phoenix, AZ | Vancouver, WA

The Only Solution Provider Built For Small Business. Solutions That
Empower Your People To Perform

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Your software IS your business. You want solutions that empower your team, that don’t get in the way. Solutions that speed up your business, not slow it down. Solutions that keep up with your agile business, not fight growth. Solutions that enable you to do more with the same resources from a Software Services and Strategy Consulting company that understands.

Empower your team to do more of what they love to do and less of what they have to do.

What We Do

We are the only team out there creating Technology Strategy and Solutions specifically for small businesses that are secure, easy to use, AND that focuses on your business goals. With a whole suite of automated tools, your software will take care of all the little things, allowing your team to focus on what they do best.

We begin with your business goals. We focus on the entire business, providing a holistic approach to business performance facilitated by the right technology solution.

Technology Strategies and Solutions That Deliver

Does this sound familiar? “If we could just fix that ‘one thing,’ business would run so much better!” The solution to fixing that “one thing” is technology. Automate your business. Save time. Get people doing what they do best -- their jobs. When your team spends time exporting, importing, playing with spreadsheets, and entering the same data multiple times, they get frustrated and business slows down. We deliver the solution -- software that automates your business and enables growth and efficiency.

Manage Your Business, Not Your Software

The Time Is Now

You may already be experiencing these challenges -- when companies wait to implement the right software solution, their problems start to grow and compound. Data becomes a mess. Operations slow down. Vulnerabilities open up in security. And it all gets more and more expensive to fix.

For less than half the cost of doing this in-house, we can develop the right solution for your business. We’ve been developing custom software for over a decade, helping our clients achieve real results. We started as a small business just like yours, so we understand your challenges and your desired outcomes. As active members of our community, we have become a trusted resource. We can help your business, too.

Client Testimonials

For several years now has worked with Sol Minion Development for our software needs. Everything from new development, upgrading our software, migrating to new and better technologies, and support has been handled by Sol Minion with a high level of professionalism.

They are innovative, dependable, and trustworthy. That last part is most important to me…trust. Software development costs can easily spiral out of control if you’re not careful. Working with Peter at Sol Minion we’ve always laid out budgets and stayed on point. Having worked with multiple vendors I can assure you this is not always the case. That trust we have combined with their knowledge and innovation is why we continue to use Sol Minion Development.

Rob Ellis,

Latest Blogs

How Augmented and Virtual Reality Are Changing the Healthcare Experience

How Augmented and Virtual Reality Are Changing the Healthcare Experience

Immersive technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR), are transforming workplace dynamics in many sectors. Over the past few years, potential use cases of AR/VR in healthcare have expanded rapidly. From immersive medical education to performing surgeries and beyond, the potential is intriguing.  

In healthcare, however, there are still unique legal and ethical hurdles for providers to consider as they move forward in adopting AR/VR tech. Establishing safe and effective protocols for AR/VR technology that also safeguard patient rights to privacy will take time. 

Let's explore where things stand with immersive tech in healthcare today.

Four Business Practices for Resilience in Turbulent Times

Four Business Practices for Resilience in Turbulent Times

Since the Pandemic, the world has worked to recover from the impact of supply chain and socioeconomic interruptions. In 2024, global economies can expect more turbulence caused by a variety of interconnected sources.

The current risk landscape, as outlined in World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report, consists of an array of environmental, social, technological, and geopolitical factors causing instability. If you own a business, focusing on resilience will prepare you to navigate the evolving risk landscape. Here’s what you need to know.

How to Avoid Common Small Business Automation Pitfalls

How to Avoid Common Small Business Automation Pitfalls

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) benefit greatly from automation when it’s done right. You can relieve a lot of pressure by choosing tools to streamline processes that devour your team’s time and energy. Strategic automation can reduce your long-term costs and transform how you handle vital processes.

Underestimating the time, effort, and maintenance successful automation requires is a sure way to end up frustrated and overwhelmed. With a systematic approach, however, you’ll set yourself up for success before taking the plunge.